List of Esl Resources

Games in the classroom
G - Get-together A - Achieve the Aim M - More interest E - Easy LearningMany years ago teaching was only recognized for only getting knowledge but now a days as the world has become modern with different scientific techniques only giving knowledge to the students has become old fashioned...
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Online learning
The evolution of the internet has led to an increase in online learning opportunities for EFL students...
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Teaching students one to one
Teaching English as a foreign language can be done one of two ways: teaching a group of students or by teaching on a one-to-one basis...
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Building confidence in Students
One by one, they followed his signal to move forward, crouching behind trees, navigating through the brush, quickening their pace as they heard threats screamed behind them: "I see you, GI! They paused in a dried-up creek bed, Bennett bringing up the rear...
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Common linguistic problems
Within the English Language there are many problems that as native speakers we don?t really think about but when learning the English language as a second language there are many common misunderstandings and problems that arise...
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When I first decided that traveling and perhaps teaching abroad, were things that I would be interested in; I came across my first real challenge that came in the form of a decision- ? [w]hich is better, EFL or ESL??...
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Lesson Planning
Lesson planning is one of the most important but controversial aspects of teaching...
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Why complete a TEFL course
The motives people have, with regard to undertaking such an intensive and demanding course as a TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language), are varied: a desire to live and work in some exotic location; to meet and interact with new people from all walks of life and, indeed, all corners of the globe: to enhance their existing skills or supplement a CV; to forge a different career path or, more altruistically, to seek to improve the lives of others by enabling them to communicate with the wider world while perhaps benefiting them in both social and financial contexts...
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Alexical approach to second language learning
Over the past four decades it appears that the advanced development of computers and the ready availability of this technology have led to an interest in a lexical approach to second language learning versus the more traditional grammar based approach...
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Cultural differences
While teaching English as a foreign language it is very important that the teacher or instructor take on board the cultural differences and discrepancies that occur between different societies...
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