Teach English in WushijiA Zhen - Huhehaote Shi — Hohhot

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in WushijiA Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Huhehaote Shi — Hohhot? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching is a privilege, one full of promise and responsibility. It is from this privilege that the teacher may become an educator, shaping the role as a model for students. This role goes beyond getting the task at hand accomplished, which is albeit an essential element of teaching. The lasting impact of a teacher is built by three other components: inspiring students to pursue their goals, enabling them to do so, and instilling within them the confidence that they can achieve what they set out to do. In order for students to pursue their goals to the best of their ability, motivation becomes an apparent element of success – thus enters the role of the teacher as a source of inspiration. Upon careful reflection, all of my most profound encounters with mentors and teachers have been closely tied to their ability to inspire me. Inspiration, as an abstract concept, goes beyond simple motivation. The concept involves three steps, the first of which is the presence of a well-defined goal. By providing students with a productive and safe environment, a teacher may encourage students to explore new ideas. With this expansion of knowledge comes new opportunities, opening the door to the ideal space of creativity and inspiration. Once students are inspired and aware of their own goals, the responsible model must bring forth the tools to give students every chance to accomplish them. As a teacher, a person with a wider knowledge base of the given subject, it is necessary to clearly outline the ways in which a student may accomplish a task. To be more specific, let us take teaching English as an example. Grammar offers a solid foundation to language, a critical aspect to language learning. This subject must be incorporated into lesson plans. As this certification program emphasized, students must be introduced to the language in a “balanced and manageable way”. This translates to providing adequate and accurate materials, navigating the incorporation of dynamic or engaging subjects with the dry (but important) aspects of English grammar, ultimately tailoring the structure of lessons to the needs of the class. Selecting appropriate vocabulary and choosing teaching methods according to class dimensions are just as important as motivating students to begin learning English in the first place. External motivation (by rewards and deadlines) is only one aspect of teaching; enabling inspired students is another facet of teaching, helping students to find within themselves the tools to pursue their goals. Instilling confidence within students that they may achieve that which they seek is the third, and likely the most difficult, role of the teacher. My first teaching experience was at age 19, a tender age to be introduced to the field. I began by providing English language lessons to young people in Bulgaria. In my experience, the most linguistically gifted students often doubted their ability (regardless of their mastery of English or age). Perfectionism, I also found, has no age. To find confidence, self-criticism should be distinguished from self-reflection. Excessive self-criticism can be destructive, a behavior pattern I have struggled with myself yet seek to root out from my students. With consistency in word and action, kindness, and gentle words of encouragement, I believe that providing opportunities to students for them to observe the challenges they can overcome and the skills they have honed is a key characteristic to the role of the teacher. To use the term ‘teacher’ alongside ‘educator’ is often colloquially interchangeable; however, the role of the two are not synonymous. A teacher becomes an educator through the refinement of the practice, caring for students through the transmission of knowledge. Perhaps this is the difference between the role of a teacher versus that of an educator: the ability to reveal new opportunities to students, equip them with the tools they need, and to enable them to accomplish the tasks ahead. My experience has influenced the way in which I operate within the world, perhaps signaling that I have learned just as much as my students (if not more.) Educating is a role, inextricably linked to the human experience, rooted in empathy. Once the teacher is able to place themselves in the shoes of a student, to embrace their strengths and understand their weaknesses, they become an educator. For me, this has been one of the most meaningful transformations of my life.