Teach English in Chenqihuhenuoer Zhen - Hulunbei'er Shi — Hulunbuir

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Chenqihuhenuoer Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hulunbei'er Shi — Hulunbuir? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

All parents want what is best for their children, but sometimes parents don’t know what is best for their child, they just think they do. Education is an excellent example of this, especially in Asian countries where “Tiger Parenting” is a lot more common. Tiger Parenting is when a parent is extremely demanding of their child, typically in academic achievement, and it often gets to the point where the child loses control of who they are, and what they wish to do in the future. There have been many worldwide cases in which these children grow up and injure or kill their own parents because of how overbearing they were towards them as a child. While this is sad for all involved, it highlights just how important the parents are in education. Depending on where someone lives in the world, the degree as to how involved their parents get in their education can change. As previously mentioned, Asian countries tend to have a higher parent involvement in education, especially regarding academic success. This could be because a lot of schools in Asia tend to post school or class rankings which is a direct indicator on how each student is doing compared to others. Meanwhile, here in Canada all that is given out is your own grade, and the class average, which makes it a lot harder to compare individual students. Another key difference between cultures is that here in North America, if a child is under performing in class, the parents who get involved in education tend to blame the teachers for not properly teaching their child instead of blaming their child for not studying well enough. This tends to be the opposite for parents in Asia in that they will often blame their child for under performing and insist that they take extra lessons to catch up. Both of these point of views can be problematic, and instead of looking at blaming other people, the parent should look at themselves first to see if the reason their child is under performing is related to them. A lot of the time, too much pressure or too little pressure from a parent can cause a student to either get nervous and under perform or become uninterested in their classes and under perform. There are also parents who are not interested in their children’s education and this can also have severe consequences on the student and how well they do academically. Even basic questions such as “How was school today?” or “What did you learn today?” can be enough to show the child that the parent is interested in what they are doing and can make education seem more important to the child. Personally, I wish my parents took a greater interest in my education because if they did, I believe I could have achieved greater things than I have so far. It is necessary for parents to find the balance between academic success in their child, and letting their child be their own person. Putting a student in extra classes outside of school time is fine if the student is not burning out or losing their motivation or enjoyment in education. This means that parents who insist on enrolling their children in extra classes must pay extra attention to their well-being and make sure that they are still able to do things which normal children do. If the student is enrolled in extra English classes, it can be beneficial for the parent to enroll into the class with them because not only is the student being further educated, they are also getting more bonding time with their parents. This could also motivate the student more as they see that their parent is also working hard to improve themselves. Overall, parents play a large role in education and the amount of involvement that a parent has in their child’s education can be critical. Too much involvement can lead to burnouts or a fear of failure in a child, both of which are extremely dangerous not just from an educational point of view, but for their health of the child altogether. Too little involvement and the child will think the parent does not care about how they do at school, and thus their results don’t really matter. This can lead to a student under performing or not maximizing their full potential because the only one who is interested in their results is themselves. With the correct amount of parent involvement, a student can really blossom and at that point the parent will be rewarded with what is best for their child.