Teach English in Qingfeng Zhen - Yancheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Qingfeng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yancheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

ITTT’s TEFL course presented information about different teaching methodologies, as well as the positives and drawbacks of each method. The course also mentioned how students culture and first language can have a profound effect on learning approaches. Therefore, naturally the teaching styles practiced in ESL classrooms vary greatly across the world. I have experienced this firsthand in my current job as an Assistant English Language Teacher at a high school in Tokyo, Japan. I will analyze the differences using the vocabulary that the ITTT TEFL course has equipped me with and examine how I, as a soon to be TEFL certified native speaker, can apply my knowledge to best educate my students. Japan has relied on the teaching method described in unit 3 of this course as “Grammar-Translation” method since the 19th century, and the methods in the public school system have not changed much since then. My students are constantly required (by a curriculum in place long before I arrived) to translate English directly into Japanese, both in the classroom and on their exams. Additionally, Japanese translations of nearly all English material is provided as a tool for them to memorize the meaning of vocabulary, grammar, and even passages of texts. As mentioned in unit 3, the major drawback of this method is that students lack natural and original input and output in English. They know disproportionately more about English in theory than they do in practice. Furthermore, because it is quite difficult for foreigners to become certified to teach in Japan, the main teacher in English courses is almost always Japanese, therefore the primary language of instruction is Japanese even though it is an English course. The role of the teacher also differs in Japanese classrooms. Day to day lessons are largely lecture style, and the teacher functions sometimes exclusively as a Manager/ Controller. Critical thinking and willingness to communicate is low because students lack the skills to do so in English (because of the teaching methods employed.) I was quite surprised upon arriving to my job in Japan and witnessing these circumstances. However the ITTT course has given me information and skills that I believe I can apply and advocate for in my classroom to create a more effective and well-rounded English course while still being culturally sensitive to the methods already in place. While there is no clear answer for which methodology is best, keeping in mind what I learned in this course (that students need input and exposure to English from me, a well-rounded combination of the four skills, and to keep their anxiety low and motivation high) can help me become a better teacher. I now want to explore concrete ways that I can improve myself as a teacher and my English courses in the future. Personally, I like to use task-based learning with my students, and I have used them in the past without realizing. I believe this can help fill the gaps that the grammar-translation method misses. Additionally, I want to increase my output of English language that the students are exposed to, because they are not getting this exposure from their other Japanese instructors. Though communicative activities don't provide enough on their own for language acquisition, I also believe this is a gap in the current curriculum that I can fill if I create my own communication activities for students. As far as my roles as teacher, I can work to fulfill a more diverse set using my native abilities to my advantage, including not only manager but participant, assessor, prompter, facilitator and model. I hope this will help build rapport with my students and keep them comfortable and motivated. Finally, I plan to consider cultural sensitivity while doing all of this. I don’t intend to overhaul the current curriculum, or force my students too often to do things way outside of their comfort zone. I want to maintain respect and comfort with my colleagues and students, and I believe I can find a balance of expressing my own preferred teaching methods I learned in this course while still being sensitive to the tendencies of Japanese educators and learners. I hope this will create a harmony and a conducive English learning environment. I am satisfied and thankful that this TEFL course has given me tools to improve my current work, and any future English teaching work I may take. I don't think I could have would have been able to so constructively considered these improvements without the knowledge from this course.