Josh Tesolin 7 Million

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Are public or private schools better for teaching English in South Korea? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

The vast majority of teachers who work in South Korea are employed by either a government run public school or a private language school known as a hagwon. Both types of employer offer good salaries and other benefits but there are a few differences that might sway your decision either way. Most public and private school positions are filled in advance, meaning you will apply and interview for the job before you leave your home country. The hiring process for public schools generally follows a set timetable that includes two regular start dates. Online applications begin in April for start dates in August/September, and in October for start dates in February/March. A large number of teachers in public schools are hired through government recruitment programs such as EPIK (English...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Seoul - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL South Korea

With a population of around 11 million people, Seoul is a thriving, modern capital and is one of the world’s most dynamic cities. Located on both sides of the Han River, Seoul has a fascinating and long history which can be witnessed in the ancient neighborhoods that are nestled amongst the gleaming towers of the city’s current skyline. Despite offering a low cost of living compared to other major cities around the world, Seoul is a thoroughly modern destination with excellent infrastructure. Seoul remains a popular destination for TEFL teachers as it enables them to have a high standard of living no matter which part of the city they choose to live in. Seoul is a cosmopolitan destination with over 700,000 foreigners calling the city home. Multi-national areas such as Itaewon and...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Teaching English In China 1993 vs. The Present #244 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

China has been proclaimed to be the largest market for English learners. In the last twenty years, progress in teaching and learning of English has exploded. Arriving in China August 1993 was not my first time there. Though it was my first time in the Northeast. I was to spend the next twelve years of my life in the city of Shenyang. An industrial city of 7 million people. My first impression was that it was like being in a 1950´s black and white movie with no sub-titles.. I was to teach at Shenyang Institute of Technology. My first year, I had 800 students. All except one of the classes, were freshmen. One was a class of 25 graduate students. Shenyang was my home until October 2005. There were tremendous changes in China during those years affecting...  [Read more]

Teaching English In China 1993 vs. The Present Patricia Eckel - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

China has been proclaimed to be the largest market for English learners. In the last twenty years, progress in teaching and learning of English has exploded. Arriving in China August 1993 was not my first time there. Though it was my first time in the Northeast. I was to spend the next twelve years of my life in the city of Shenyang. An industrial city of 7 million people. My first impression was that it was like being in a 1950´s black and white movie with no sub-titles..I was to teach at Shenyang Institute of Technology. My first year, I had 800 students. All except one of the classes, were freshmen. One was a class of 25 graduate students. Shenyang was my home until October 2005. There were tremendous changes in China during those years affecting all aspects of life....  [Read more]

British English vs. American English Garren K. Handson - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The English language is spoken now by many countries around the world, according to the (English Department) website,, it is said that 75 countries speak English and that is equal to around 375 million people and another 750 million speak English as a second language also scientist say that 80 percent of the worlds information is stored in English and also that out of the 40 million users on the internet daily 80 percent communicate in English. So we see how the English language has taken the world by storm. But that brings us to the often discussed issue, “Which English is the best English to use for a foreign student, “American English (AmE) or British English (BrE).” In order to find out which is better per se, we must first...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Ho Chi Minh City - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Vietnam - Inclass Courses

Most visitors to vietnam are overwhelmed by the sublime beauty of the country's natural setting: the Red River Delta in the north, the Mekong Delta in the south and almost the entire coastal strip are a patchwork of brilliant green rice paddies tended by women in conical hats. There are some divine beaches along the coast, while inland there are soaring mountains, some of which are cloaked by dense, misty forests. Vietnam also offers an opportunity to see a country of traditional charm and rare beauty rapidly opening up to the outside world. Despite its ongoing economic liberalisation and the pressures of rapid development, this dignified country has managed to preserve its rich civilisation and highly cultured society. It has discarded its post-war fatigues and the boom in budget...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Phnom Penh - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Cambodia - Inclass Courses

If you crave adventure and a lifestyle that’s out of the ordinary, Phnom Penh, Cambodia is the perfect location to launch your ‘teach English abroad’ journey. The transformation of Cambodia over the past three decades from a country characterised by occupation and trouble, to a Southeast Asian powerhouse, is phenomenal. There’s an insatiable demand for English language skills in Cambodia - and a chronic shortage of TEFL qualified people to teach English. What does this mean for people just like you? Simple! It means opportunities galore. Phnom Penh is the capital city of Cambodia and the nation’s international gateway. With a population of around 2.5 million people and a relatively confined central business district, it has a noticeably slower pace of life than you’ll find in...  [Read more]

How to teach English in Asia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you are looking for the widest choice of English language teaching jobs, look no further than Asia. Across the continent you will find countless opportunities in a wide range of fascinating countries, although the requirements do vary from one to the next. Some countries are only open to native English speakers and others will require a university degree, however, there are still plenty of jobs out there for anyone with a TEFL certification. Teaching English in South Korea has become increasingly popular over the last decade and it is no secret that the country offers some of the best salaries for foreign teachers to be found anywhere in the world. English teachers in Korea can expect to earn between $1,500 and $3,000 per month and it is certainly possible to save up to half of this...  [Read more]

Where to find TEFL jobs? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Due to a strong demand in many countries, TEFL qualified teachers should have plenty of great options to choose from. Across Asia, Europe and Latin America there are countless opportunities available depending on your own personal preferences. Whether your main goal is to make as much money as possible, to experience living in a different culture, or to get right off of the beaten path, there is the ideal destination waiting for you. If you are looking for the widest choice of English language teaching jobs, look no further than Asia. Across the continent you will find countless opportunities in a wide range of fascinating countries, although the requirements do vary from one to the next. Some countries are only open to native English speakers and others will require a university...  [Read more]

What are TEFL jobs? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Every year tens of thousands of people from all backgrounds leave behind their existing life and head overseas in search of fun, travel and adventure. They are able to do this by completing a TEFL certification course that gives them all the qualifications they need to apply for English language teaching jobs in countries all over the world. If you want to join this ever growing number of TEFL qualified teachers, there should be very little that can get in your way. Among the many attractions of teaching English abroad is the fact that you are free to choose not only the region where you would like to work, but also the specific country or even city. For some teachers the history and culture of Europe appeals most, while others are drawn to exotic destinations across Asia or Latin...  [Read more]

Josh Tesolin 7 Million

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