Teach English in Luopu Kenzhichang - Ji'an Shi

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I was unaware of unthoughtful of the complexities of future tenses, nor was I familiar with the fact that there were seven forms. The end sections which outlined present simple and present continuous was very interesting in that they can imply both present and future. I had never given thought to this, but upon examination of the examples, it is clear how these structures imply both. As with all previous units thus far, I appreciate the call out to typical student errors/mistakes, but at this point I am beginning to question the seriousness of these violations. For example, if a person said, “we will be wait for you” verses the correct future continuous tense, “we will be waiting for you”, there is not really anything lost in the communication stream. Granted, it does not ‘sound correct’ to a native speaker, but if a person was to say this to me, I would have no trouble understanding them. True, they may get a specific question wrong on an exam related to such a sentence, but from a communication standpoint, there should not be any failure to correctly express intent. As with the previous unit’s material, the teaching ideas are very helpful. Take for example pop songs with titles and chorus’ which express future simple tense such as “When I’m 64 by the Beatles”, and others. The value in using such examples, especially with older and/or more advanced students, will help keep them engaged in the lesson and see the practical value of this rather specific linguist knowledge.