Teach English in Jilinhadawan Jingji Kaifaqu - Jilin Shi

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Unit 10 Video lesson It is evident after watching the two videos that preparedness and a good attitude can be very beneficial when teaching. In the first video the Teacher initially did not introduce himself or the students, And had not prepared the whiteboard for that days class. This led to moments of confusion and lack of direction for the students. It is important to clarify when possible so that a class can stay organized and on track. It was also noticeable that the teachers mannerisms were dismissive and erratic, often not allowing students the time to fully answer a question when asked or jumping from student to student and never keeping eye contact long enough to show attention. If students do not feel that they are given the time and interest from a teacher, they will eventually become disinterested and bored with the lesson. The speed at which the teacher spoke in the first lesson was also noticeably to fast and at times he would seemingly jump ahead and use new words such as “necessary” with out having first tried to explain the meaning of the word. When it came to the study phase of the first lesson, the teacher was obviously rushed for time and passed out the materials with very little explanation as to the purpose, and was rushing the students to finish within just a minute or two. He also passes out every individual a worksheet, thereby missing a perfect opportunity to have the students work with each other in pairs and share knowledge. At one point the teacher quickly breezes over the contracted forms of “have not” as “haven’t” by simply saying to the class this one is shorter everyone says haven’t, without anymore explanation then that. At the activate stage the teacher forgoes introducing the activity as a game by getting straight into it, and expecting the students to understand what is happening with very little to no explanation. This evidently confuses the students for the majority of the activity and leaves them appearing sheepish and bewildered. Instead it would have been to the teachers advantage to first introduce the game as a new activity and explain the game with the use of the whiteboard, demonstrating how the students could use the previously learned vocabulary to complete the puzzle pieced sentences they would receive per round. The whiteboard could also have been further utilized to keep score and organize already covered answers. The second video rectifies all the previously mentioned errors, also in the second video it is noticeable that the teachers talk time is much more reserved and that he instead attempts to elicit more from the students there by extending their talk time.