Teach English in TiAnmen Jingji KAifAqu - Xiantao, Tianmen, Qianjiang & S

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in TiAnmen Jingji KAifAqu? Are you interested in teaching English in Xiantao, Tianmen, Qianjiang & S? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

In a past experience of mine, I was working as a computer technician for the city, the city had decided to give me a new task of working in the libraries to teach computer classes, I felt quite nervous about this for I had never taught before or had any idea about how to go about it. When classes began I always had one majority group, and that was the elderly, who in time had neglected technology and decided to finally come around it to learn how to use a computer. I was given a basic manual on how to do the courses, I of course followed it and did my best, saw what worked and what did not, experimented to see which methods worked best, and to be honest it felt like a free fall at times, some students getting left behind so I had to adjust the speed of the lectures, some students did not come to class so I had to give them little extra at the end of the class, or some students just wanted to learn something specific which at no means was not a problem since the courses were free. But from all these experience I have felt grateful to learn so much about teaching, Always gave good eye contact , good gestures, and always speak in a good positive tone with a smile, while conveying. As I go into TEFL I know there will be differences but also many similarities, and one of my main goals is to be a good class manager each and every time I enter that classroom full of students eager to learn English. By having good eye contact the students will know that I want to involve them into the lessons and the eagerness of wanting to teach them English, Good gestures to convey the meaning of the language and to add visual interest to the students, and using a positive tone to engage the students I feel is a solid foundation for class management. Another thing to be wary about is to analyze students in a positive way during pair work and group work just to have an idea of how students work with each others and how they can progress with each other. Now when I worked teaching Computers I had my own computer and projector so students were always looking at what I was doing while I taught them, I understand it could be a lot different but I have learned through my college courses on how to write on the board while being engaging with students from always being prepared with chalk or to have board work already up before classes start. Next is giving instructions which can be scary to students at times, but just have to use simple language, be consistent and use visual ques for student and the classroom flow will start to go along perfectly. And of course establishing rapport with students, letting them know to feel comfortable and that you are there to help them learn English and not drill them in any other subject while maintaining discipline, all of this is so essential to classroom management and I am excited for my future experiences teaching, I look forwards to all the new experiences and rewards that I hope to see through and accomplish. Thank you again for the lessons and I hope to see you soon in the classroom.