Learning Modes-Young learners vs adults When you walk into a classroom of

When you walk into a classroom of beginning learners, you will quickly notice that the activities are varied, exciting, and typically short lived, in hopes to keep the attention of the energized and full of life students. Young learners demand fun mingled with learning. It would be impossible to give a lecture to a child. However, on the contrary, an adult can tolerate a lecture granted that within seven minutes, their minds will drift to some other thought. Yes, all people prefer an entertaining lesson that will engrave the concept upon their minds however amusing lessons aren’t always time manageable nor profitable while dealing with a grander scale of information. Adults can endure lectures and retain information while young learners can’t as easily.

However, retaining information can be retained more easily by beginning learners. The youth tend to have fresher and sharper minds yet often times lack motivation considering that they would prefer to be playing outside or drawing. On the opposing side, adults can’t retain information as well however they typically are more motivated due to the fact that they have chosen to attend school. Although motivation differs among the age groups, encouragement is needed with both young learners and adults.

Discipline will typically be an issue with beginning learners rather than adults, which falls back on the fact that, adults choose to show up for class and are chasing after knowledge. Discipline should be approached with patience, understanding and tranquility. When dealing with young learners try to make discipline understandable, it is more profitable if they understand why their action(s) is wrong thus decreasing the probability of repeating the action(s).

Adults, youth and elementary students all the same, need to trust the teacher. Good rapport is essential for productive and positive learning. It is a ton easier to instruct someone who has your trust and loyalty.

When teaching young learners, diagrams, posters, 3D objects and other visual aids are almost a necessity to help with understanding. While adults desire visuals to fill in the gaps, they can be neglected at moments. The classrooms of children have tendencies to be more colorful and decorative while the set up of an adult classroom will be simple containing a white board and desks. Visuals are enhancers however poorer countries can not always afford them therefore visuals are often times put aside.

The above are statements in regards to differences in teaching young learners and adults. Considering, all cultures aren’t the same there will be differences, especially among children. For example, children in the United States of America, obviously are going to be more restless, energetic, distracted and playful due to the lack of responsibilities that they have in comparison to children from poorer countries, where responsibility in the house and on the farm is required as if the children were miniature adults. Adults however are typically under the same standards all over the world granted, that some cultures are more open or closed.

In conclusion, adults and young learners vary in teaching styles however both groups and all people deserve respect. It is very likely, that if you approach both groups with respect, patience and kindness, undoubtedly, the same characteristic will be presented. The teacher, teaches, not only through the lesson by also through his/her character.