Online Teaching No Experience

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Can I teach English online without any teaching experience? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

It is possible and even routine for TEFL course graduates to start a new career teaching English online without any previous classroom experience. Due to a huge demand for online English language teachers that is set to grow year-on-year, it is perfectly normal to set foot into a virtual classroom as a teacher despite having never worked in any kind of teaching role before. As an online English teacher, students from all over the world will want to connect with you and knowing their native language is in no way necessary. As with most English language classrooms, online teachers teach their students using a method known as total immersion. This teaching methodology simply implies that no other language other than English is used between the teacher and the student for the duration of...  [Read more]

TEFL Courses Information - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

If you are looking for the best possible preparation for Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), then look no further than our 4-week, in-class certification course. The course is internationally recognized and available in over 40 exciting destinations worldwide. The In-class course focuses on practical classroom training as well as the theoretical knowledge you need to become an effective teacher. During the course you will learn how to teach English using the international standard communicative approach, meaning only English is used in the classroom. Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! Our TEFL certification courses are certainly demanding; however, we do everything within our power to encourage...  [Read more]

TESOL Course Information - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

At ITTT we provide internationally recognized TEFL certificate courses in a wide variety of exotic and interesting locations. Our intensive 4-week courses meet all international standards and due to the external validation and moderation of all courses, you can be assured of the highest standards and quality wherever and whenever you take our course. Taking a course with ITTT provides the best possible TEFL training and access to our full range of support services regardless of your age, nationality, or educational background. Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! Please click on the links below for further information about our course locations. Sign up for one of our 4-week classroom based residential courses by the end of this month and receive an additional...  [Read more]

TEFL Teachers - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Trainers & Trainees

No matter which of our international in-class training centers you choose to attend, you are guaranteed to receive the support and guidance of experienced teacher trainers. All our trainers are practicing language teachers who have been involved in EFL teaching and teacher training for many years. This high level of experience ensures they are fully aware of all the issues that new trainees face in the classroom, and are therefore able to offer invaluable advice and assistance throughout your stay. At ittt we are happy to accept course applications from anyone who is keen to gain their TEFL certification, regardless of age or nationality. Over the years we have successfully trained thousands of teachers from all corners of the world, from as young as 18 years to 65 years and up. Our only...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Ben 1 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In this TESOL review, Ben from South Africa talks about his experience of taking an online TESOL course with ITTT and how he is looking forward to starting his teaching career overseas now he is a qualified English teacher. Earning a TESOL qualification with ITTT gives you the opportunity to see the world while also earning a living. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. This unit was about four tenses: past simple, past continuous, past perfect,...  [Read more]

Volunteer teaching , lesson planning and classroom management Taeko Toshima - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

I'd like to write about my experience in volunteer teaching with an ALT, Assistant Language Teacher, at the local elementary school.Through this experience, the following important points that were covered by the TEFL course have been re-confirmed.1. Planning and preparation before lessons.2. Usage of the whiteboard/blackboard, flash cards, and the CD player.4. Facilities: classroom or gym'3. Body language: gestures and eye contact4. Voice control: volume, pronunciation, and accent5. DisciplineChiba prefecture, north east of Tokyo, where I live has been employing ALTs from all over the world for a number of years. Most of them are just out of college. Some of them have lived in Japan as exchange students in the past. ALT stands for assistant language teacher and therefore they...  [Read more]

Teaching Styles Neil OMahony - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

When I was growing up in school, I experienced many different teaching styles that for the most part did not work for me. Not that I lacked the intelligence, it was because the teaching style did not suit me. After a few years out of school I realized I was better off and figuring it out as I went along. At work if an engineer was trying to explain something I’d have to look at the job and I’d usually figure it out myself. It would go in one ear and out the other when it was being explained to me. This method might not work for everyone. I’m not sure but I think it would be similar to internet learning and doing the work yourself.My experience of learning languages is mixed. When I was learning German, I had a drill-sergeant type teacher in fact he was...  [Read more]

What should I teach English beginners? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you have never taught English to complete novices before, the prospect of spending an entire lesson speaking with students who don't comprehend a single word you say may seem frightening. Teaching absolute beginners differs from teaching other courses, as any ESL teacher will tell you. It can be difficult, but it may also be one of the most enjoyable and gratifying language levels to teach. Every new word your students learn is important at this level, and the greatest approach to teaching it is to be as creative and funny as possible. Generally, teaching the letters and numbers should be one of your first priorities. You will lay a solid foundation for everything else your students will learn by teaching them the letters and numbers at the start of the course. Ascertain that your...  [Read more]

Is teaching English easy? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

While no teaching job is ever likely to be seen as easy, teaching English as a foreign language promises a rich life full of travel, excitement, and job satisfaction. However, if you want everything to go as smoothly as possible, there are a few things you need to think about before jumping on a plane to distant shores. If you want to start your teaching career in a positive fashion it is important to understand the TEFL job market and to head to where the demand is especially high. As a newly-qualified teacher you are unlikely to have the luxury of picking and choosing exactly where you want to live and work as many of the most sought after jobs in the most popular teaching locations will often be taken by teachers with previous classroom experience. Many first-time teachers look...  [Read more]

Can couples or friends teach English abroad together? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Among the tens of thousands of ESL teachers working overseas, it is relatively common to find friends or couples who set off to teach English abroad together. Although it is common practice, there are still a few things to think about before you both pack your bags and head to the airport. If you plan to set off abroad with a friend or partner, it is vital that you choose a destination where you both have a good chance of finding employment. Although you might dream of working in a tropical beach resort with swaying palm trees and a laidback lifestyle, this may not be realistic as the limited number of jobs and a high level of competition could make things difficult. In contrast, most major cities across Europe, Asia and Latin America have a high demand for teachers, making employment...  [Read more]

Dictionary Training Mary-Catherine Remin - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

One of the worst teaching experience is having a class come to an abrupt halt while someone searches a dictionary for a specific word, one usually not found in the end anyway. The problem of using dictionaries as a crutch could be rectified by not allowing the use of them in a lesson at all. The great art of circumlocution could be used instead, albeit kicking and screaming. Those experiences of being derailed by frantic dictionary searches would make any ESL teacher shudder and swear off dictionaries entirely. Should native language to English language dictionaries be banned altogether' Some would argue that using dictionaries is a good technique to use in the classroom. One that actually helps to create a more independent learner ( The...  [Read more]

Can I teach English online as a volunteer? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Volunteer English teaching has been an important part of the TEFL world for many years, with countless schemes operating in many parts of the world. Most of these opportunities are located in developing countries where access to affordable language lessons is not widespread and where people often see improving their English as a clear path towards better jobs and a better future for them and their families. However, while these schemes provide a very valuable service, there are now increasing numbers of online volunteer based teaching platforms that are able to provide help to even more people worldwide. There are many individual reasons for wanting to offer your services as an online volunteer English teacher. For many people the reward of helping someone in need and seeing them make...  [Read more]

Foreign Language Experience Will Skadden - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

There are many different methodologies for teaching a foreign language. Here at TEFL international, we are exposed to the ESA (engage-study-activate) method, put to use in the classroom in a total emersion context, which is quite effective, yet very different from the way that many of us have been exposed to learning a second language in our native countries. Second language study in school in the United States was always done with the 'Grammar translation' method, usually in a bilingual classroom, a different yet somewhat effective way to learn some languages. These are contrasting methods yet they seek the same result, to increase communication skills in a tongue you are not familiar with, and until you are exposed to the both of them it's hard to say which is more...  [Read more]

Teaching English in Korea Robert Merchant - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

After spending the last year in Korea I feel sharing my experiences there will be of great assistance to any ESL teachers who are considering or have accepted a position in the country. Firstly, I would like to outline the basic conditions of employment in the country The average salary is around 2,000,000 Won per month, which is equal to around $2,200, this amount is fairly standard whether working at a government school, university or the most common place of employment the all prevalent language school or “Hagwon” in Korean. Furthermore, your employer will provide free accommodation, round trip air fare and will make a contribution to both the government run health insurance program and pension fund.Additionally upon completion of your contract you will receive...  [Read more]

Do TEFL jobs pay well? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

English is taught as a second language all over the globe. Due to the volume of qualified teachers needed there are many great opportunities with attractive salaries just waiting to be filled in countries worldwide. TEFL teachers are usually required to have teaching qualifications and are therefore considered to be skilled workers in most areas. As a skilled foreign worker, the base salary enjoyed by a full-time ESL teacher is usually considerably higher than the country’s median wage. Experienced teachers and those with advanced-level teaching qualifications can often further enhance their claims for a higher salary. Factoring in lifestyle and living costs, countries in Southeast Asia continue to be extremely popular with our TEFL course graduates. An average teaching salary in this...  [Read more]

ESLstarter - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

ESLstarter offers you exciting teaching opportunities in some of the world's most incredible destinations. For over 10 years, we have helped people embark on new journeys and achieve life-changing experiences. As previous teachers ourselves, we understand the importance of the getting the journey right. Our highly trained staff all started out teaching English overseas and TEFL is our passion! We truly believe that English language education can transform lives for the better. Teaching abroad also gives you the chance to flourish, inspire and encourage positive change in local communities, wherever you end up traveling to. ESLstarter is a resource for anybody who is interested in teaching abroad. We've helped over 5,000 teachers into TEFL job, internship and volunteer roles since 2008....  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Kuwait? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

As knowledge of the English language has become increasingly important in the country and it is one of the richest nations in the Middle East, Kuwait is full of opportunities for TEFL certified teachers. There are plenty of jobs on offer, from kindergarten level all the way through to university and beyond. Kuwait City is the main hub of the country where you will find all the comforts you would expect from a modern capital. However, you will also find rich Arab culture, fascinating archaeological sites, white sandy beaches, and a vast desert terrain that is waiting to be explored. As you might expect from an oil rich country, teaching jobs in Kuwait typically offer very competitive salaries. The average monthly salary for the majority of teachers is between $2,500 and $4,000 USD. Most...  [Read more]

Where are the best places to teach English as a volunteer? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Volunteer English teaching is a very popular option with many people. It can take many forms and can be undertaken in a wide range of countries worldwide. Here we look at a few questions that might help you to answer the question: Where are the best places to teach English as a volunteer? There are numerous reasons why volunteer teaching is a good idea. Here we will outline a few of the most common: a) To find out about the country: There can be no better way to learn about a country than by being there. b) To experience the culture: As above you need to be immersed in the culture if you hope to understand it. c) To experience the job of teaching: Volunteer teaching is a great way to find out what the job entails. d) No contract: You can enjoy all the benefits above without the need to...  [Read more]

Where to take a TEFL course? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Once you have decided on attending an in-class course the next decision to make is which location is best for you. To ensure you have the widest choice possible, we have plenty of locations to consider. If you would like to complete your TEFL certification in North America we have many options across the US, as well as centers in Canada and Mexico. You might also want to consider South and Central America where we operate training centers in a range of exotic locations, including Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala and Peru. As Asia contains the largest markets for English language teachers, we have plenty of centers to choose from throughout the region. If you want to take advantage of the countless job opportunities in China, we have four great locations to pick from....  [Read more]

Can I learn a foreign language while teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Yes. One of the many benefits of teaching English abroad is that it can provide a great environment for learning a foreign language. It is no secret that being fully immersed in a different culture, where you are constantly surrounded by a new language, is the most effective way to quickly develop your understanding. Throughout your time living and working as an English teacher abroad, you will inevitably have endless opportunities to practice your language skills. As well as using the language as you go about your daily life, there is also a good chance that you will have access to local language courses that are far cheaper than those available in your home country. Another possibility is the network of friends that you will likely make among the local citizens. Often people are more...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Malaysia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Situated just north of the Equator, Malaysia is a tropical destination that has plenty to offer TEFL qualified teachers. The country’s rapid development, diverse culture, and great food are all major attractions. The government is also keen to recruit more English teachers in the coming years, ensuring plenty of opportunities for international teachers. As there are a large number of local English language teachers, competition for jobs is relatively strong, but they are available for those who want them. Salaries in Malaysia are not in the same league as some other Asian countries such as China, Japan, or South Korea, with an average wage being around $1, 000 USD per month. However, the cost of living is relatively low so this figure can go a long way if you live a normal lifestyle....  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Tefl Video Journal Week 4 1 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In this ITTT video former trainee Ben talks about his experiences during the final week of his four week TEFL/TESOL certification course and what he plans to do now that he has gained his teaching qualification. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. This unit changed my thoughts to some extent,in that, I have always believed that a teacher must be extrovert, amuse the class. Yet, I now see that it is not actually necessary. I have always tried to...  [Read more]

What is the best TEFL course to do in Thailand? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you perform an internet search for TEFL courses in Thailand you will find several pages of different providers offering a variety of courses across the country, but how do you know which is the best for you? At ITTT we are confident that our in-class courses are the best on offer in Thailand as we have developed them over a number of years. The key to the success of our in-class TEFL courses is the quality of the instruction provided. At all of our centers we only employ trainers who possess a high level of teaching qualifications and several years of experience teaching in an international classroom environment. All our teacher trainers are dedicated to helping each and every trainee to reach their full potential. With their guidance and encouragement, most trainees successfully...  [Read more]

What can I do after teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Some people who head overseas to teach English grow to love the lifestyle so much that they never return to work in their home country. However, for the majority, the move back home will come at some stage, whether after a single year or much longer. For some it can be a difficult experience as you are no longer the person you were when you first left home. Everything can feel different, from the everyday language to the time zone, from the climate to the cuisine. Reverse culture shock can be genuinely unsettling. One way you can combat this, and continue the international focus of your new found way of life, is to find a job that allows you to use the new skills and knowledge that your time abroad has given you. One obvious step for many teachers is to simply continue working as an...  [Read more]

What other jobs can I get with a TEFL certificate? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

While it is true that the vast majority of newly qualified EFL teachers start out by working in a mainstream job, either online or in a traditional classroom abroad, there are other options out there for those who are looking for something a little different. Some of these options require a certain level of experience, while others are open to anyone regardless of their work history. Teaching English in your own country: Your TEFL certificate is valid worldwide, so you can also teach English as a second language in your own country. If there are a lot of non-native speakers, for example, immigrants in your area then this can be a good teaching opportunity. Volunteer English language teaching: Some volunteering jobs are available which pay a stipend and offer food and accommodation...  [Read more]

In-class Course Features - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The main features of the in-class TEFL/TESOL course include:  [Read more]

What is the best platform to teach English online? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Teaching English online is now firmly embedded in the TEFL world and many thousands of teachers find it a convenient way to earn a living without having to leave home or when traveling the world. However, despite not actually working in a physical classroom, online teachers still have to meet the same kind of criteria as those working in a traditional classroom environment. So, what do you need in order to take advantage of this rapidly growing sector of EFL teaching? The requirements for teaching online vary from one employer to the next, but there are a few common factors that many look for. Most online employers will expect you to have completed a TEFL course of at least 120 hours as this is the minimum level needed to cover all the most important areas of EFL teaching. If you also...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Tracy - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Tracy from the USA took the in-class TEFL course in Prague, Czech Republic. In this TEFL review video she discusses her overall experience. Tracy was very satisfied with the support she received before and during the course. Prague is just one of many training centers around the world where ITTT's TEFL/TESOL courses are offered. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. This unit helped to give me an appreciation for the teaching methods and styles...  [Read more]

Is it easy to get a TEFL job? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

As the demand for English language skills continues to grow in many parts of the world, there are always plenty of TEFL opportunities available, both online and in traditional classrooms. However, it is no longer the case that just being a native English speaker is qualification enough to simply walk into the teaching job of your choice. Many countries have cracked down on who they issue work permits to and many individual employers, both online and in-class, have increased expectations on the teachers they choose to employ. Also, due to the popularity of English language teaching, the competition for the top jobs increases every year. The bottom line is that TEFL jobs are plentiful and your chances of finding a suitable position are very good if you are willing to put in the necessary...  [Read more]

Can I get a teaching job with an online TEFL certificate? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

You can certainly get a teaching job with an online TEFL certificate. In fact, you can probably get a teaching job without any kind of qualifications or experience whatsoever. The real question is, can you get a quality teaching job with good pay and comfortable working conditions with an online certificate? The answer is still YES, if you make sure you sign up for the best quality online course you can find. The main problem for online trainees is the obvious lack of any practical teaching experience. If you can afford a month-long in-class training course that includes multiple hours of teaching practice in a real classroom, you will be able to apply for a wider range of jobs in most parts of the world. If you choose the cheaper online option, you will find that you will be more...  [Read more]

Online Teaching No Experience

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