Tefl Course In British Council Egypt

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TEFL Egypt - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Courses in Egypt

Join our TEFL course in Egypt and you will be enraptured by one of history's great civilizations. With its unparalleled past and thriving present, Egypt promises to delight the mind and invigorate the senses. Taking a TEFL course in Egypt gives you the opportunity to learn how to teach English in one of the most fascinating countries in the world. Egypt, a great landmass in Northern Africa where the arable banks of the Nile meet the arid Sahara Desert, is full of some of the earliest recorded history known to man. The temples, hieroglyphs, mummies, and pyramids, along with the ancient churches, monasteries and mosques, are well preserved and give you the opportunity to take a glimpse into the distant past. Bordered by the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, Egypt also has many beautiful,...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Alexandria - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Egypt - Inclass Courses

Explore the history of an ancient civilization while living in a modern, diverse community. Alexandria is a beautiful tree-lined city on the Mediterranean (great diving!) and home of the ancient and modern library. A magnificent location for a TEFL course, Alexandria is just over two hours from Cairo and the pyramids. Explore the Ancient egyptian, Greek, Roman, Coptic, Islamic and Arab civilizations all in one place. Alexandria was established by the mighty Macedonian Alexander the Great in 331 BC when he selected a small fishing village on the Mediterranean coast as his new capital. The modern city is oriented around Midan Ramla and Midan Saad Zaghoul, the large square that runs down to the waterfront. Alexandria once had a great library that contained more than 500,000 volumes, and at...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Cairo - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Egypt - Inclass Courses

Egypt’s capital, Cairo, is one of the largest and most culturally diverse cities in the Arab world and is a fascinating place to take a TEFL course. It is one of the most international cities in Egypt and has a long history as the location of this ancient nation’s historic capitals. Cairo boasts a huge number of ancient and modern monuments and can be seen as a “living museum” where visitors get to experience Pharaonic, Greek, Roman, Coptic and Islamic monuments dotted across the city. These archaeological sites attract visitors from all over the world and Cairo is a first-class tourist destination. Cairo is not only home to these many historic attractions; it is also home to a number of famous shopping malls, opera houses, theatres and more. The city also hosts the Cairo...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Salah - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Salah completed his TEFL course at the training centre in Egypt and then completed his Certificate in Teaching Business English online. In this TEFL review, he explains how working as an English language instructor has made him really appreciate the materials and knowledge he received while studying with ITTT. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. This unit was about conditionals and reported speech and it depicts the five main conditionals which...  [Read more]

TEFL Course Features - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Training Courses

Embarking on our in-class TEFL certificate course certainly requires a considerable commitment on the part of the trainee, in terms of time, effort and expense. At ittt we are fully aware of this commitment and in turn we aim to match it by providing the highest quality course possible, as well as dedicated ongoing support once you have received your certification. Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! In order to maintain the highest levels of service, we continue to update and improve our facilities and materials based on the feedback we receive from our trainees. Why not join the thousands of practicing EFL teachers worldwide who have earned their TEFL certification with ITTT by signing up for an in-class course today.  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL British vs American English #275 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

One of the more noticeable differences between students on the TEFL course is the different uses of the English language. The main differences being between the British and American English. On area that I thought could have become confusing when teaching would be the pronunciation of different words by different English speakers. As a rule it is generally agreed amongst English teaching programs that neither type of pronunciation is the correct version however they do insist on consistence of usage. So when a person starts to teach in British English using relevant terms they should maintain that throughout. Grammatically both types of the language follow the same rules. However there are variations? of form words that are used. For example the past participle for...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL British English vs. American English #274 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

"British English vs. American English"- the title itself suggests a battle or a contest where only winning matters. In many ways, this is exactly what it is. It is a silent struggle for domination that is mainly fought in the halls of academia where dictionaries and encyclopaedias are the weapons of war and the generals are professors. Why has this happened? Its human nature to be competitive and ?survival of the fittest? is one of the most well known phrases in the world; regardless as to which continent you are on. When the continents involved are two of the worlds? superpowers, the sayings ?God save the Queen? and ?God bless America? take on a whole new meaning. There are many differences between American English (AmE) and British English (BrE). These...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL British English vs American English #270 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Giving English to an American is like giving sex to a child. He knows it´s important but he doesn´t know what to do with it. Adam Cooper (19th century) The Americans are identical to the British in all respects except, of course, language. Oscar Wilde There are more varieties of English than just British and American English, however these are the two which are most commonly taught in EFL and ESL programs. Of the two, American English, for a variety of reasons has become the more dominant. Its influence has been growing steadily since World War Two as American economic, military and political power has expanded. Globalisation and the expansion of the Western, and in particular, the American way of life has heavily contributed to this. ...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL British English vs American English #273 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The English language first came to America, when it was colonised by the British Empire in the late 16th century. Other parts of the world were also colonised by the British Empire, which by 1921 had dominion over 470 to 570 million people, which equated to about one quarter of the world´s population. In the last 400 years, the diversity between the English spoken in the Britsh Isles and the United States, has continued to grow. This has brought about the two dialects known as British English, and American English. The differences between the two dialects include punctuation, grammer, spelling, pronounciation and the formatting of dates and numbers. There are some words which are used in one version of English, but not in another. There are other...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Susie - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In this TESOL review video Susie who teaches in Egypt talks about why she opted to complete ITTT's 120 hour online TEFL/TESOL certification course. She discusses the advantages of completing an online course. She also outlines some of the components of the course. Susie highlights how the course has enhanced her teaching. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. Speaking and Writing are productive skills and though different in some ways, their...  [Read more]

Online ?v- Onsite courses Jennie Theedam - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Teaching English as a Foreign Language may strike you one day as your vocation in life, or a way of earning a living whilst staying in another country. Either way, it can be very rewarding to spend your working day teaching your own native language. But, if you are lucky enough to live near a college that teaches English as a Foreign Language in your own country, you don't even need to leave your home soil to practice your skills!Where do you start though, having decided this is what you want to do' The increasingly familiar way is to search the internet, as you would have done a reference library, to find out what is offered either in your local area, or online. For myself, I was attracted to an online course which offers me flexibility and came recommended by someone who...  [Read more]

British English vs American English Brian McKinin - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

There are several differences between British English and American English. The two forms of English differ in ways such as grammar, vocabulary usage and meaning, and spelling. There are many ways that British and American English differ in grammatical means. Generally both forms of grammar are accepted in American English, however in British English the American English version is often considered incorrect. The biggest differences in grammar occur with possession and the present perfect form. An example of the difference in possession between British and American English would be, 'Have you got money'' The British often use the word 'got' when dealing with possession, while in American English they would more commonly say something such as, 'Do you have money'' American...  [Read more]

British vs American English. Kim Backler - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

One of the more noticeable differences between students on the TEFL course is the different uses of the English language. The main differences being between the British and American English. On area that I thought could have become confusing when teaching would be the pronunciation of different words by different English speakers. As a rule it is generally agreed amongst English teaching programs that neither type of pronunciation is the correct version however they do insist on consistence of usage. So when a person starts to teach in British English using relevant terms they should maintain that throughout. Grammatically both types of the language follow the same rules. However there are variations’ of form words that are used. For example the past participle for the...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL The present and future roll of TEFL in Thailand #402 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Britain is the home of high quality English language teaching and is joining forces in a new and enlarged professional association called English UK, backed by the British Council. This comes at a time when global competition for English language students is more fierce than ever. While Britain can claim to have pioneered the concept of providing short, intensive language courses, and dominated the market for much of the past 50 years, other countries, principally Australia, New Zealand and Ireland, are now competing more aggressively for a share of shifting and in some cases diminishing student markets. Membership of English UK is only open to institutions that have been inspected as part of a special accreditation scheme for ELT providers; run by the British...  [Read more]

British English vs. American English€™ Rudo Kupeta - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

"British English vs. American English"€™- the title itself suggests a battle or a contest where only winning matters. In many ways, this is exactly what it is. It is a silent struggle for domination that is mainly fought in the halls of academia where dictionaries and encyclopaedias are the weapons of war and the generals are professors. Why has this happened' Its human nature to be competitive and ‘survival of the fittest’ is one of the most well known phrases in the world; regardless as to which continent you are on. When the continents involved are two of the worlds’ superpowers, the sayings "€˜God save the Queen"€™ and "€˜God bless America"€™ take on a whole new meaning.There are many differences between American English (AmE)...  [Read more]

TEFL Courses - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ In-class Courses & Online TEFL Courses

We offer a wide choice of TEFL certificate courses that vary in duration, study method and price but all of our courses are based around the same principle, which is to provide high quality, practical training. Our courses all use the same core materials. Our online TEFL courses are studied 100% by distance learning and come with online tutor support throughout. As these are online TEFL courses there is no classroom time and no teaching practice component. However, you will have the opportunity to complete some optional teaching practice at no extra cost. Our online courses are primarily designed for trainees who wish to study an internationally recognized TEFL course but have time and/or budget constraints which don't allow them to attend one of our training centers. There are many...  [Read more]

The present and future roll of TEFL in Thailand Liz Mackenzie - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Britain is the home of high quality English language teaching and is joining forces in a new and enlarged professional association called English UK, backed by the British Council. This comes at a time when global competition for English language students is more fierce than ever. While Britain can claim to have pioneered the concept of providing short, intensive language courses, and dominated the market for much of the past 50 years, other countries, principally Australia, New Zealand and Ireland, are now competing more aggressively for a share of shifting and in some cases diminishing student markets. Membership of English UK is only open to institutions that have been inspected as part of a special accreditation scheme for ELT providers; run by the British Council....  [Read more]

Accredited TEFL Courses - Moderated TEFL Courses - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

All TEFL International courses are validated and credit-bearing by Paris University of International Education (France). Four-week, in-class student are entitled to an official transcript from the Paris University of International Education with their TEFL International Certificate.Paris University of International Education is a college based in Paris France that offers bachelor, master and Ph.D. programs and cooperates exclusively with TEFL International to accredit and offer transcripts for the TEFL International TESOL certificate course. The Rector of the Paris Academy, Rector of the Ile-de-France academic region has approved Paris University of International Education as a higher education establishment. Therefore, Paris University of International Education is a higher education...  [Read more]

British English vs. American English Garren K. Handson - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The English language is spoken now by many countries around the world, according to the (English Department) website,, it is said that 75 countries speak English and that is equal to around 375 million people and another 750 million speak English as a second language also scientist say that 80 percent of the worlds information is stored in English and also that out of the 40 million users on the internet daily 80 percent communicate in English. So we see how the English language has taken the world by storm. But that brings us to the often discussed issue, “Which English is the best English to use for a foreign student, “American English (AmE) or British English (BrE).” In order to find out which is better per se, we must first...  [Read more]

British English vs. American English Senem Williams ? Dim - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Introduction English is today the dominant international language in most parts of the world. It is spoken by an estimated 300-400 million people as a native language and by an estimated two billion people as a second language. It is by far the most widely taught and understood language in the world. The use of English in so many parts of the world by so many people has inevitably produced a number of national and regional variations. For historical and political reasons, the most commonly used variations are British and American English. These variations should not be understood as unvaryingly homogeneous dialects, as many regional differences can be observed within them. Nevertheless, one may say that there is a standard version of British English and a standard version of...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - What S The Difference Between Online Courses In Class Courses And Combined Courses - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. This unit serves to inform me about Books And materials And How I can utilized Them within the classroom. There are two groups of materials Which can be grouped as authentic materials or created materials. Authentic materials are more real And more interested, students can gain confidence And their interest can be geared towards that. With the created materials, they are usually designed by the Teacher to...  [Read more]

Phonetics: Differences between British and American English Aart v. Klaveren - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

During the late seventeenth century while James, Duke of York, was renaming New Amsterdam. The vowel ' as in 'man' was lenghtening in certain contexts. In words like 'laugh' and 'path' and 'pass' wich end in unvoiced fricatives, in words like 'dance'and 'plant', which end in a nasal and an s or t, and in words where the ' was followed by r, that short vowel began to grow long. The older pronunciation of 'dance was d'ns, wholly acceptable today to english speakers outside the cultural area dominated by London, then it became d':ns. It was not until the nineteenth century, that this long ' decided to migrate to the back of the mout and become the α: which is charachteristic of southern speech today. It is a source of mockery, or reluctant admiration, among provincials and...  [Read more]

British English vs American English Johannes von Simons - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

1.IntroductionWhen teaching English worldwide, one has to consider that there are two major dialects: The British (BrE) and the North American (AmE). A decision should be made by any responsible teacher as to which he or she teaches. A reason to adopt the AmE form could be teaching students for tourism jobs, because of the larger number of US- American tourists there are compared to British ones, while the BrE dialect might be preferable for business students because it is still considered an advantage in some work areas.In the following article we will go through some of the most common differences. However, the interested reader should consult the sources indicated in the annex when willing to obtain a capacity of consistent teaching of either of the two.2.GrammarApart from...  [Read more]

British English vs American English Peter Flinn - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The English language first came to America, when it was colonised by the British Empire in the late 16th century. Other parts of the world were also colonised by the British Empire, which by 1921 had dominion over 470 to 570 million people, which equated to about one quarter of the world´s population. In the last 400 years, the diversity between the English spoken in the Britsh Isles and the United States, has continued to grow. This has brought about the two dialects known as British English, and American English.The differences between the two dialects include punctuation, grammer, spelling, pronounciation and the formatting of dates and numbers. There are some words which are used in one version of English, but not in another. There are other words which might have two...  [Read more]

TEFL Courses in Madrid - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Spain - Inclass Courses

Madrid is not only the capital of Spain, but also the most populated city in the country and the nerve center of the government and economy, all of which make it a great location for taking a teacher training course. Famous as one of the most welcoming and hospitable capitals in Europe, Madrid is a very cosmopolitan city that is home to a wide range of cultures from all corners of the globe. Here you will find countless opportunities to make friends and to work alongside people from all backgrounds and walks of life. Regardless of the time of year, you will never be short of things to do in Madrid. Indoors you can explore many fascinating art galleries, including the Museo del Prado, Museo Reina Sofía and Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, as well as numerous museums. When the weather is fine...  [Read more]

Discounted TEFL Courses - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️TEFL Courses Special Offers

At ITTT, we have a range of special offers when signing up for our courses. Purchase an Online Course (with Tutor Support and Videos) before the end of the month and receive an additional free course in Teaching Business English, Teaching Young Learners, or Teaching English Online. Certificate included. Purchase an In-class Course or Combined Course before the end of the month and receive an additional free course in Teaching Business English, Teaching Young Learners, Teaching English Online or an advanced TEFL/TESOL Diploma Certificate/Diploma included. We also are able to offer special discounted prices for enrolments of multiple students. Please contact [email protected] for further information. Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

Problems for learners in Hong Kong Simon Yip - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

IntroductionAs a former British colony, English is widely used in Hong Kong. Students here generally start learning English at the age of 3. As the first language of most students in Hong Kong is Cantonese, the problems for learners of English here mostly relate to the differences between Chinese and English. Since the two languages belong to two different linguistic families, there are a lot of differences in terms of syntax and word formation, which give rise to a lot of common errors produced by the students here.A) Agreement and word formThis is one of the biggest problems for learners in Hong Kong due to the fact that modern English involves a lot of inflections, conjugation and declension, which are basically absent in Chinese. Thus learners in Hong Kong always have...  [Read more]

Combined TEFL Courses - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Online & In-Class TEFL Courses

Traditionally TEFL certificate courses have been offered either as 4-week, intensive courses in a classroom setting or as 100% distance learning. These forms of learning do not always suit everyone’s requirements, methods of learning or time availability. This course is ideal for those students who don't work to their best potential in intensive learning programs or for students who don't have 4 weeks to commit to an intensive course. International TEFL & TESOL Training can see benefits to both forms of study and in an effort to provide a greater range of options for those wishing to become TEFL certified has designed the combined course. Our combined course unites our online and residential course. The course allows you to study the theoretical principles and theories of teaching...  [Read more]

TEFL Courses in Athens - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Greece - Inclass Courses

As it is the exciting capital of Greece, Athens is a great destination to complete your CELTA training course. This dynamic city offers plenty of magnificent sites to explore and you are only a short trip away from some of the best coastal resorts in the region. Athens is known as the birthplace of democracy and is home to the mighty Acropolis, one of the most famous landmarks in the whole of Europe. For a quick look at what Athens has to offer, click here for a virtual tour of the city. Athens has a well earned reputation as one of the friendliest and safest cities in Europe and it has been welcoming visitors with its warm climate and rich culture for many years. Wherever you go in the city you will find authentic outdoor cafes, restaurants and taverns where you can sample the very best...  [Read more]

TEFL Courses in Melbourne - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Australia - Inclass Courses

Regularly voted as one of the world’s most popular cities, Melbourne has all manner of attractions on offer. Visitors to the city can enjoy the most vibrant culture and art scene in Australia, as well as great sports and live music. Throughout Melbourne you will find a huge choice of venues, from hip coffee spots and world-class restaurants to local cafes and lively bars. The city is also known for its excellent public transport, top quality educational facilities and the diverse nature of its student population. The CELTA training center is located close to the Central Business District and Melbourne University's student precinct which is famous for its entertainment options such as bars, restaurants and art attractions. The area attracts many locals, tourists and students thanks to its...  [Read more]

Tefl Course In British Council Egypt

Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!