Tesol History

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Cultural Sensitivity in the EFL Classroom Brenda Gray - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Savvidou - Understanding Chinese Names: Cross-Cultural Awareness ...Diversity and cultural sensitivity are important considerations in an EFL classroom. English is an international language and the numbers of English speakers are growing rapidly. It's important to understand how English translates in each culture and language. There is a growing body of literature addressing cultural differences and the importance of awareness. Our challenge is to meet the demand of student in a manner that incorporates linguistic and cultural competence. Language is primarily a communication tool. As language teachers it is paramount to help students take 'ownership' of the new language they are learning. H. G. Widdowson,, suggests taking 'ownership' of English as a way of shifting attitudes....  [Read more]

Is there a level 6 TEFL course? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

At ITTT our course-level framework runs from level 3 to level 7. At level 6 we provide our 370-hour Diploma in TESOL course which is the highest level individual course you can complete with us. The Diploma in tesol is a great option for first-time teachers who want to start their careers with a bang, as well as teachers who already have some classroom experience and are looking to move up the employment ladder. With a level 6 qualification on your portfolio you will have access to a wider range of teaching jobs, many of which could potentially include a higher rate of pay and greater responsibility than the majority of entry-level positions. Check out our course levels page for more information on our framework. As this is an advanced level course it has been designed to follow on from...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Rome - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Italy

Just picture yourself enjoying a gelato ice cream on a warm Italian night, while sitting on the Spanish Steps and watching the people pass by… The combination of historical fascinations and simple pleasures that rome has to offer make it, quite simply, one of the most remarkable cities in the world! The eternal city of Rome has been at the forefront of European history, culture and religion for thousands of years. No other city in the world can rival the wealth of history and beauty that can be witnessed here, with the architectural wonders of the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, and the ruins of the Roman Forum; the fascinating and powerful religious presence of the Papal State of the Vatican; the artistic triumph inside the Cistine Chapel, and so much more. Yet the modern daily-life of Rome...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Nagoya - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Japan - Inclass Courses

From Sumo wrestling, the most authentic Japanese cuisine you’ve ever tasted, ancient castles and Pagodas, skiing in the mountainous north and beach hopping in the tropical south, ancient and bustling cities like Tokyo and Osaka, Japan caters for every type of traveller. Japan is unlike any country you’ve ever been to with the most bizarre but fascinating experiences available throughout the country, and a scenery like no other. A distinct balance between ancient and modern- Japan opens up a whole new world. Nagoya is an ideal destination for an in-class, immersive TESOL course experience in Japan. It is the fourth largest city in Japan, which means that as a TESOL student, you get the full experience of high paced life in Japan, but at a much lower cost than bigger cities like the...  [Read more]

TEFL South Africa - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Courses in South Africa

Our TESOL course in South Africa is the ideal choice for anyone wishing to gain an internationally recognized TESOL certificate before heading off to teach in the rest of Africa or further afield. South Africa has so much to offer visitors that you will be spoiled for choice when it comes to sight-seeing and other activities. Adventure sports enthusiasts are well catered for with surfing, rock-climbing, abseiling and others all popular and accessible activities in the country. Wildlife lovers will be able to witness lions, rhinos, elephants and more in their natural environments on safari in the national game reserves such as the Kruger National Park and the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. However, South Africa is more than its awe inspiring landscapes and wildlife; it is a country with a...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Hua Hin - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Thailand - Inclass Courses

Thailand is known as the Land of Smiles. The culture is warm, friendly and genuine. There is a big expat community out there, so you’re in a new and exciting culture but also engaging with many different cultures through the expat network as well. The travel opportunities are wonderful, either around Thailand itself or to neighboring countries. AND the food is delicious and fresh! Hua Hin is a beautiful city on the beach in central Thailand, approximately two and a half hours away from Bangkok. The area has some amazing beaches, mountains, viewpoints, temples, night markets, water parks, and dining experiences for you to choose from and enjoy at any time of the year. Hua Hin itself features a beautiful, powdery sand beach, plenty of waterside seafood restaurants, a lively night market...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Rome - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Italy - Inclass Courses

Just picture yourself enjoying a gelato ice cream on a warm Italian night, while sitting on the Spanish Steps and watching the people pass by… The combination of historical fascinations and simple pleasures that Rome has to offer make it, quite simply, one of the most remarkable cities in the world! The eternal city of Rome has been at the forefront of European history, culture and religion for thousands of years. No other city in the world can rival the wealth of history and beauty that can be witnessed here, with the architectural wonders of the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, and the ruins of the Roman Forum; the fascinating and powerful religious presence of the Papal State of the Vatican; the artistic triumph inside the Cistine Chapel, and so much more. Yet the modern daily-life of Rome...  [Read more]

Can you teach English in Thailand without speaking Thai? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Yes you can. Speaking Thai is not a requirement for teaching English in Thailand. Even if they are fluent in the language, ESL instructors in the majority of Thailand’s language institutions are not required to speak Thai in class. In general, there is a great demand for English teachers in Thailand. In fact, people in Thailand and other Southeast Asian nations now have a greater desire than ever before to learn English, raising the need for ESL instructors in this region. The growing economy also means people in Thailand now have more disposable income to spend on English education. Thus, there are more opportunities for ESL instructors, especially those with credentials like a TEFL or TESOL certificate. In favor of ESL teachers willing to sign contracts for at least six months or a...  [Read more]

Tefl international

Your initial application should be completed on ITTT's own Internet application form. As part of our pre-screening process, applicants are requested to submit an account of their personal history and background and of their motives for joining the course, as well as their future aspirations. If for any reason you wish to subsequently cancel your place on the course after your deposit or full fees (i.e. deposit plus balance) have been paid, ITTT/TEFL International cannot provide any refund except for exceptional circumstances. The course organiser's decision is final. In any case, the deposit is non-refundable. The main reason for this is that the staffing for the course and accommodation have fixed costs which have to be paid for in advance and based on a specific number of course members...  [Read more]

Can I teach English in an English-speaking country? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

The worldwide job market for native-English speakers with a TEFL certification is simply huge. Whether you head to Europe, Asia, Latin America or even Africa, you will have plenty of countries to choose from. However, if you dream of living and working in an English-speaking country, you might find it a little more difficult. While English language instruction is generally in high demand in English-speaking countries, the necessary teachers can normally be found within the country's own population, leaving little need to hire teachers from abroad. Another stumbling block is that work permits and visas can be particularly difficult to secure, especially for American citizens. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule so it is still possible to fulfill your dream. There are many...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Slovakia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

With a very convenient location right in the heart of Central Europe, Slovakia offers plenty of options for TEFL certified teachers. It is not yet on the radar of many teachers looking to live and work in Europe, but it should certainly be considered as it is a modern and progressive country that is rapidly developing. In its current form, Slovakia is a very young nation, but its overall history goes back centuries. Across the country you will find ancient castles, medieval fortresses, and a rich cultural heritage. Since joining the EU, the country has seen a rapid rise in the number of English language students, so if you are looking for a peaceful and safe country that is a little off the beaten path, why not look at Slovakia? Salaries in Slovakia are not large by European standards,...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Hanoi - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Vietnam - Inclass Courses

There’s only a handful of cities in the world that truly deserve ‘must visit’ status and Hanoi is certainly one of them. While most people can only dream about a fleeting trip to Hanoi – if they’re lucky – ‘living like a local’ and working as EFL teacher in this magnificent city is a realistic proposition for anyone with a sense of adventure. Hanoi is Vietnam’s capital city and the seat of government. It’s noticeably smaller than Ho Chi Minh City in the south, but the pace of life is similarly frenetic. While Ho Chi Minh City is often referred to as Vietnam’s ‘engine room’, Hanoi is more of a ‘grand old lady’. It’s tough to pin down what makes Hanoi such a special place. Is it because there’s history, culture and art on display in seemingly every street...  [Read more]

What is TEFL teaching? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Teaching English abroad is a great way to see the world and get paid while doing it, but what does it actually involve? Before you buy a plane ticket and jet off across the world it is a good idea to research as much as possible about TEFL qualifications, the possible restrictions you might encounter when applying for jobs, and the long term prospects this path might lead to. Here we look at the answers to all these questions and more. These acronyms are used when referring to training courses that English language teachers undertake, as well as the certification they receive upon completion. TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language and TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. As these terms are essentially the same, they are often used...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Limerick - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Ireland - Inclass Courses

ITTT has recently opened a TEFL & TESOL training center in Bundoran, a popular seaside resort in County Donegal, Ireland. If you wish to be TEFL/TESOL-certified and would love to take a course in Ireland, this is an opportunity you cannot miss. Check out course details and fees for ITTT's Bundoran TEFL/TESOL center here! Limerick, home of our TEFL training centre in ireland, is nestled in the heart of Munster, in Ireland's sunny south-west region. Limerick is a city boasting a rich history, dating from at least the Viking settlement in 812. Limerick is home to some of Ireland's most famous historical attractions: King Johns Castle, Bunratty Castle, the Hunt Museum (located in the city centre) and St. Mary's Cathedral, Limerick's oldest...  [Read more]

Songs in the classroom Soohee Choi - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Listening to music stimulates students to learn English and works as a change of class atmosphere. Songs make an enjoyable learning environment. Songs have a small amount of information and a high degree of superfluity; they make songs sound simple and this aid to understanding. They contain authentic language, are easily attainable, provide vocabulary and cultural aspects and are fun for the students. They provide enjoyable speaking, listening, vocabulary and language practice both in and out of the classroom. Songs are a good resource for English Teaching; ''They are funny and can be selected to suit the needs and interests of the students. Students think songs are natural and fun. Fun, even silly songs abound in English. As texts, songs are interesting because most do not...  [Read more]

How do I become a TEFL trainer? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

After completing a TEFL certification course and working as an English language teacher, some people look to branch out into other avenues of the teaching profession in order to gain more experience or to earn a higher salary. One such route is to become a TEFL trainer. Teaching people to become classroom teachers can be a very rewarding and well paid job and a route into management positions or even setting up your own language school. The first and most obvious requirement is to successfully complete a TEFL course. This experience will give you the basic knowledge you need to teach English and also a valuable insight into what it takes to be a good teacher trainer. Crucially, it is not necessary to be at the top of the class when taking your course, as many of the best teacher trainers...  [Read more]

Teaching Multilingual Vs Monolingual Classes Luc Osstyn - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Rapid globalisation has developed the need to find a common means of international communication. Throughout modern history English has been the language for most of the worlds economic, political and scientific leaders. Now-a-days if any non-English speaking country want to communicate outside its borders then English is usually the language of choice. To meet the demand of teaching non-English speakers, many language courses have been developed e.g. TEFEL, TESOL etc. These courses have to meet demand in many different situations one of which being multi-lingual and mono-lingual classes. Multi--lingual classes consist of students speaking different languages and are most often found in English speaking countries where students have come with an aim to learn English. ...  [Read more]

Should I teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Whether you are just looking to earn some extra cash during a gap-year or are planning a more serious move into the world of education, teaching English as a foreign language has many benefits. The demand for TEFL qualified teachers is continually growing in many parts of the world and opportunities for making teaching a career are abundant. Also, if you decide that it is time to head back home, there are many directions in which your overseas teaching experience can take you. Although for many TEFL course graduates the aim is to head overseas to experience living and working in a foreign culture, it is not the only option. Plenty of people use their teaching qualification within their home country as increasing levels of immigration have led to a rapid increase in demand for ESL...  [Read more]

The Changing Role of a Teacher Andy Aldrich - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The role of a teacher has changed more dramatically in the past half century then in anytime in previous history. Schools are changing from a period where information was held by few to dispense to many, to a period where the flow of information freely exchanges between all varieties of media, most noticeably TV and the Internet. Therefore teachers are no longer needed as the supreme dispenser of knowledge but rather as a guide to learning who understands their student's unique needs and barriers to learning.Traditionally, teachers have had the responsibility to dispense historically relevant information to students sitting obediently in rows. Although this model has worked in the past it often creates a distant relationship between student and teacher and places the bulk of...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL The Changing Role of a Teacher #408 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The role of a teacher has changed more dramatically in the past half century then in anytime in previous history. Schools are changing from a period where information was held by few to dispense to many, to a period where the flow of information freely exchanges between all varieties of media, most noticeably TV and the Internet. Therefore teachers are no longer needed as the supreme dispenser of knowledge but rather as a guide to learning who understands their student?s unique needs and barriers to learning. Traditionally, teachers have had the responsibility to dispense historically relevant information to students sitting obediently in rows. Although this model has worked in the past it often creates a distant relationship between student and teacher and places...  [Read more]

Songs in the classroom Jamie McCarthy. - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The use of songs in the ESL classroom can be a fun and innovative way of covering a range of English language topics. Songs can be used for vocabulary, grammar, dictation, pronunciation (stress and intonation), phonetics, speaking, writing, listening, integrative skills, and many other ESL points. Furthermore, songs can invite the non-native speaker into the English speaking culture. For instance, pop music gives the learner a taste of what is trendy at the moment. Meanwhile, the lyrics to classic rock songs can give a sense of history and the attitude of the country at the time of recording (for example, 'Give Peace a Chance,' John Lennon, 1969). Additionally, children's songs are crucially important for the young learner...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Songs in the classroom #358 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

The use of songs in the ESL classroom can be a fun and innovative way of covering a range of English language topics. Songs can be used for vocabulary, grammar, dictation, pronunciation (stress and intonation), phonetics, speaking, writing, listening, integrative skills, and many other ESL points. Furthermore, songs can invite the non-native speaker into the English speaking culture. For instance, pop music gives the learner a taste of what is trendy at the moment. Meanwhile, the lyrics to classic rock songs can give a sense of history and the attitude of the country at the time of recording (for example, ?Give Peace a Chance,? John Lennon, 1969). Additionally, children?s songs are crucially important for the young...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification New York City - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL USA

What can be said about incredible New York City that hasn’t already been said? Immerse yourself in New York City for five minutes, and you’ll see why it’s like no other place on earth. Only here will you find all of America’s attributes - the diversity, the culture, and the style - intensified in such an intriguing way. And only here will you experience those sublime moments that New York City is famous for. If you're a first-time visitor, come and see the Empire State and Chrysler Buildings, the Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller Center, Times Square, the Bronx Zoo, Staten Island Ferry, Brooklyn Bridge and all our other world-famous attractions. If you've been here before, there's always another neighborhood to explore, another restaurant to try, another Broadway show or museum to...  [Read more]

What are the pros and cons of TEFL? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Teaching English as a Foreign Language is a career that is open to anyone with an excellent standard of written and spoken English, regardless of age, nationality, or academic history. All you need, apart from a solid understanding of the language, is a TEFL or TESOL certification and the drive to make your dreams come true. However, despite all the many benefits that await teachers heading overseas, there are also a few potential issues that you need to prepare for. So what are the main pros and cons of TEFL? Once you have completed your TEFL certification course you will be able to apply for teaching jobs in virtually any country you can think of. If you dream of living and working by a tropical beach, or if a major world city such as Tokyo, Milan, or Rio is your preference, no problem,...  [Read more]

Games in the ESL and EFL classroom Erin Pettinger - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

In a traditional English language classroom the student’s curriculum focuses on grammar, reading, vocabulary and rigid repetitive drills. The majority of students I have spoken with find this method to be very dull and boring. If students are not interested in the subject being taught they will lack attention and motivation to learn the language. Language is used primarily to communicate with other people. What is the best method to learn a language' Throughout history people have played games to socialize and interact with each other. Therefore it seems reasonable to assume that playing games in a language classroom can only be beneficial.What does a game consist of' I think that games involve play, competition, rules, and enjoyment. The Merriam – Webster online ...  [Read more]

Tefl article - TEFL Games in the ESL and EFL classroom #356 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

In a traditional English language classroom the student?s curriculum focuses on grammar, reading, vocabulary and rigid repetitive drills. The majority of students I have spoken with find this method to be very dull and boring. If students are not interested in the subject being taught they will lack attention and motivation to learn the language. Language is used primarily to communicate with other people. What is the best method to learn a language? Throughout history people have played games to socialize and interact with each other. Therefore it seems reasonable to assume that playing games in a language classroom can only be beneficial. What does a game consist of? I think that games involve play, competition, rules, and enjoyment. The Merriam ? Webster online ...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Florence - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Italy - Inclass Courses

We like to think that if Tuscany’s favorite son, Michelangelo, were alive today there would be no statue of David, or painting of the Sistine Chapel. He’d be too busy touring the region on a bike, captivated by everything around him. Fortunately, you do not need to be a creative genius to be staggered by the beauty of Florence and the region of Tuscany. Instead just get on a plane to this incredible part of italy – soon, along with everyone else in the TESOL group, you’ll be declaring ""this place is stunning"" every few moments. Tuscany is one of the few regions on earth that lives up to its hype. As the birthplace of the Renaissance it holds one of the greatest concentrations of artistic achievements known to man. The Duomo, the Battistero, and the Galleria Degli Uffizi, which...  [Read more]

What is TEFL? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you are bored with the everyday grind and want a new life that is full of travel and adventure, TEFL could be the perfect option for you. First you need to choose the right TEFL course to suit your situation and then work your way through the training. Once you have completed the course and you have your TEFL certificate in hand you will be ready to head overseas to start work as an English language teacher in the country of your choice. These acronyms are used when referring to training courses that English language teachers undertake, as well as the certification they receive upon completion. TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language and TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. As these terms are essentially the same, they are often used...  [Read more]

TEFL Courses FAQs - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Frequently Asked Questions

What does TEFL mean?    The acronym TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. It is commonly used to refer to training courses that almost anyone can take to learn the skills and knowledge required to teach English to non-native speakers in countries all over the world. What is the difference between TESOL and TEFL?    TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language and TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. These descriptions are generally used interchangeably, however, TESOL is more common in the USA and TEFL is more common in the UK. Do I need a TEFL certificate to teach abroad?    Although it is possible to teach abroad without a TEFL certificate, we recommended that you complete a TEFL...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification New York City - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL USA - Inclass Courses

What can be said about incredible new york City that hasn’t already been said? Immerse yourself in New York City for five minutes, and you’ll see why it’s like no other place on earth. Only here will you find all of America’s attributes - the diversity, the culture, and the style - intensified in such an intriguing way. And only here will you experience those sublime moments that New York City is famous for. If you're a first-time visitor, come and see the Empire State and Chrysler Buildings, the Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller Center, Times Square, the Bronx Zoo, Staten Island Ferry, Brooklyn Bridge and all our other world-famous attractions. If you've been here before, there's always another neighborhood to explore, another restaurant to try, another Broadway show or museum to...  [Read more]

Tesol History

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