Get TEFL Certified in the USA
Take our combined TEFL/TESOL course in Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor is a popular destination for our combined course as it offers all the excitement of the big city with a friendly small town atmosphere. Our central location means you will have easy access to all the main attractions. More info
Visit the Great Lakes Region
Michigan enjoys some of the most outstanding natural beauty in the USA
If you love the outdoors lifestyle and a warm, friendly welcome, you will certainly love the city of Ann Arbor. This small university town in the state of Michigan has all the ingredients you need for a great training experience. More info

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Make a deposit payment to secure your place on a course before the end of the month and qualify for a free advanced level online course. You can choose from the 50-hour young learners (CTEYL) or business English (CTBE) certificate courses or the 250-hour online diploma course.

TEFL Certification in Ann Arbor Michigan | TEFL USA

TEFL School Ann Arbor Michigan

Ann Arbor is a wonderful destination to take your TEFL/TESOL course. It is also popular among travelers from around the US as it is located in a beautiful area surrounded by a number of pristine lakes. Therefore, locals also refer to the city as “North America’s Fresh Coast”. As well as the lakes, the area is also blessed with dune lands and majestic cliffs. Visitors can enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities and explore the area via hiking or biking. As you can see, you won’t get bored when taking your TEFL/TESOL training in Ann Arbor.

Our training center is situated in the center of the city, making it easy to get to attractions, restaurants and entertainment facilities. During your stay, our teacher trainers will work closely with you and provide helpful feedback that will help you to become a fully qualified ESL teacher.

Visitors can enjoy the city’s cultural offerings by joining the Blue Coast Artists Cultural Heritage Tour, where you get an insight into local farms, wineries and artisan studios. From an architectural point of view, Ann Arbor is also very interesting as it features a collection of commercial buildings from the 1860s as well as a famous red sculpture that projects the artistic side of the town.

Our trainee groups consist of no more than 10 people per class to ensure everyone gets the maximum amount of individual attention. On top of that, all trainees get to teach independent lessons in the third week of the course to gain practical teaching experience. These sessions run on Wednesday from 5:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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